
All opinions expressed in the quotes below are direct quotes from our customers and in no way express opinions of Long Island Brass Co.

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Responses from our customers

I have to tell you, this is everything I’ve ever wanted in a mouthpiece. Yesterday I practiced 6 straight hours. Only stopped to take a drink of water or use the facilities. I never got fatigued, no lack of endurance, no loss of range on either end of the horn. Mouth never got sore, nothing. It’s special, very special. I’ve been playing professionally for almost 50 years. I’ve never felt this good after a long session. Just incredible!
— Kirk Lundbeck, Freelance Trombonist

Very balanced, warm tone and lots of core. I really like the rim profile and shape. It’s super comfortable and has helped with flexibility. Hats off to you for creating a stellar product.
— Brendan Lai-Tong

It arrived in beautiful condition. Played it and I love it! It’s wild because it feels so much wider, but the bite point really allows the high notes not to suffer. That’s how I feel. The low notes... are really effortless.
— Ben Jorge, Bass Trombonist
Thank you for the mouthpiece. I usually play 26.00 mm variations from Griego and Monette, but your mouthpiece combines the things I like from the other two makers. I like that the Romero is forward, but not overly direct like the Griego and the Monette. The sound is more real to me too (I mentioned wanting something more organic, less midi-file in a previous email). There’s also a better low register/trigger register. Those notes pop more. Might be cup contour? I’m using it for an orchestra accompanying a chorus in October. It already fits nicely in jazz/dance band settings. So this is what it’s like to use a super car as your daily driver?
— Ben Magrowski

On a whim I bought one of their tuba mouthpieces, just because I thought it looked cool. It’s now my go-to all around piece for my smaller contrabass horns. I love the feel and stability, and how it sings in the upper register, but can bark out the low notes and pedals. Truly an innovative tuba mouthpiece, if you ask me.
— Dylan King, Freelance Tubist